Fertility is a concept that denotes the ability to reproduce healthy offspring. It is applicable to a man, but most often the term is mentioned when speaking of female reproductive capabilities. Indeed, some women with ease give birth to children, others – face a whole complex of problems, even to the impossibility of conception in a natural way. What determines fertility? How to check its level and what age limit does medicine consider acceptable for procreation?
This concept, the reverse of infertility, refers to the ability of the body to reproduce. In the case of a man, fertility indicates his ability to impregnate a partner, to a woman – the ability to conceive a healthy child. In both cases, we are talking about people of reproductive age who have borders. Female fertility occurs with the establishment of regular menstruation and ends in the menopause. Male – since the production of live and active sperm count, which are able to fertilize the egg.
Early reproductive: from the onset of menstruation to 20 years. Characteristic features: the formation of the cycle, a rare ovulation, balancing the hormonal level. In the case of an active sexual life without contraceptives, the probability of pregnancy is high.
Average reproductive: from 20 to 40 years. Regular cycle, stable hormonal background, lack (as a rule) of health problems. The most favorable period for the birth of children.
Late reproductive: from 40 to 45 years. The hormonal background is unstable, the cycle and ovulation are stable. Beginning of age-related changes in the body. Pregnancy is possible in a natural way, but bearing can require active medical care.
The stage of fading fertility: from 46 to 60 years. There comes a period of menopause. Decreased hormonal background, irregular cycle or its completion. Natural pregnancy is impossible (with very few exceptions), for the gestation will require a course of hormonal drugs